Sacrifice is a daunting word. It implies giving up something precious—time, resources, comfort, or pride. It’s not about what’s convenient or easy but what costs us. As Christ demonstrated, true love isn’t rooted in fleeting emotions or desires, but in deliberate action that puts others first. 

Think about a parent sacrificing sleep to care for a sick child or a friend giving their last bit of savings to help someone in need. These acts aren’t driven by feelings alone; they stem from a decision to love selflessly, even when it’s hard. 

Jesus exemplified the ultimate sacrifice by laying down His life for us, a love that asked everything of Him. And yet, He gave willingly. His example calls us to reflect: What are we holding onto that prevents us from fully loving others? Is it our time, our pride, or our comfort? 

Sacrifice requires trust—trust that God will replenish what we give up and trust that His love will sustain us when the cost feels high. To live out love is to embrace sacrifice, knowing that God’s love is revealed to the world through our giving.