Around 2009, Facebook chose to be the author of confusion when they added “it’s complicated” to the relationship status options. That change might be one of the messiest updates ever to hit an application. Posting “It’s complicated” was a recipe for gossip, but today, I can respect their honesty. If it’s unclear, uncommitted, or unofficial, you’re probably in what we now call a “situationship.” Jesus has been in a situationship with the disciples for 12 chapters and finally asks, “what are we?” Situationships aren’t new. How long have you been unclear about your status at work, at church, or in love? Jesus, in a city named after Caesar, has the backbone to say there can’t be two of us. 

What could you gain from having boundaries? What if you took back your energy, time, and tears from situationships and waited for someone who will address you properly? You are not in a situation. Jesus wasn’t willing to keep walking with people who couldn’t recognize who He was. Jesus demonstrates that you don’t have to accept mediocrity and call it love. You are not an option, a side piece, a plan B, or a secret to God, and I hope you know it.