Love is often misunderstood, don’t you think? In a world where we’re taught that everything is a give-and-take. “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”. It’s hard to grasp a love that doesn’t work that way. But true love, the love God shows us, isn’t transactional. It’s not about what we can give back in return. It’s not about keeping score or doing something because we’ll get something out of it later.
Real love is patient and kind. It doesn’t demand anything in return, and it isn’t quick to get frustrated or walk away. It’s long-suffering—meaning it endures, even when it’s not reciprocated. And isn’t that exactly what God did for us?
Think about it: God sent His Son, Jesus, knowing we were totally undeserving of such an incredible gift. We had no way to repay Him, no way to make ourselves worthy. But He gave His best anyway. That’s love right there. We should not expect anything back, not because we could ever “earn” it, but simply because He loves us with a love that goes beyond what we could ever imagine or understand.
And that’s the kind of love we’re called to—a love that doesn’t measure, demand, or wait for something in return. We love because He first loved us—sacrificially, freely, without conditions. That’s the love we’re meant to show others, too. So, let’s reflect on how God loves us and challenge ourselves to love in the same way.